A rebooking in St. Albans is a real
endorsement of the Beatin’Hearts credentials and a sure sign of everything
heading in the right direction. If there was any doubt that the band could “pack’em in” then the Goat on Friday
certainly dispelled that. Not a seat was left and with the bar area crowded,
much to the delight of Mick and Kate the licencees, The Beatin’Hearts lifted
the crowd with their pumping rock and soulful takes on familiar but not too
“samey” covers.
A mixture of the young and not so young,
sang along, danced along and drank along to a band that just gets better and
better. The infectiousness of the music and the humorous asides of a band that
are clearly enjoying themselves make for a great evening out. The band are attracting the attention of
promoters in the area, so should be back in St. Albans soon.
The pub does a fine selection of Real Ale, has a B & B facility and decent food, oh and of course great music.
Get there early - could be crowded!